Monday, October 8, 2012

We need a new book

Tyler and I finished Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.  He will be studying it in his language arts class later this year.  It made for some great discussion and was so fun to have a reading time with my teenager each night.

We have a few people that have accepted my invitation to become contributors, but haven't posted yet.  If you would like to make a post, see the directions on the September 24th post below.

Tyler and I need some suggestions for some more books.  Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Of Mice and Men is quite an undertaking. Congratulations!
    I wonder whether the two of you might be interested in something like Silent Spring by Rachel Carson? It's a science book that is not written in "science". It's much more relatable, and could promote discussion with respect perceptions during that time period (beginning in 1930s) of the environment and women's roles. Just a thought....
    Or, completely different, have you already read Farenheit 451?
